Songs of Beginning Teachers

Stay tuned for updates to  an Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) interpretation (knowledge dissemination) and extension of the data analysis for the project: The “Development of Inclusive Educational Practices for Beginning Teachers”. I have written and premiered two songs from these data; namely “Key People at Key Points” and “We Could Do Something Amazing” at the Underground Cafe in Saskatoon, Friday Nov 9 2018

Check out the
Canadian Research Centre on Inclusive Education
Beginning Teachers Study (BTS)

BTS Songs across the Autumn Prairie  Nov 16 2018 at Creative City Centre
I am co-chair of the Regina chapter of the Songwriters Association of Canada (SAC), and here in this pic is Micheal Lander, who is co-chair of the Saskatoon chapter. We paired up 10 songwriters; within each pair was an artist from these respective cities. The resulting co-writes were shared at the concert “Songs across the Autumn Prairie” at the Creative City Centre in Regina.


At that concert, I also shared the two songs that I had written for The Beginning Teachers Study (BTS). As I introduced the songs, I explained that these lyrics came directly from participants in the BTS. The room was filled with educators; many of my colleagues kindly attended, but  (see pic of me with Dr. Jenn and Dr. Gale) there were many more educators as well. At the break several people came up to me to share their stories of teaching, and of starting teaching. One gentlemen just retired after teaching for 40 years. It was truly the first experience I had where the power of an Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER) lens was palpable to me.

It was one of those evenings where I felt like I was in the right place at the right time, and that my role in the BTS is simply to keep going, to keep writing. New level of gratitude.