Uniting with/in Humour…

Well, it has been two weeks since Ross and I have finished our #FaithIsABicycle promoting my new CD and his blogs http://mcmacman.com/ and http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/ross-macnab/. Ross did a thorough and entertaining reflection on the first part of the tour (see http://mcmacman.com/?p=535 , The Bicycle Tour, Part One: A Rough Beginning). As Ross was and is the man-of-words in this endeavour, I leave the humour to him. And humour is the point of this entry.

I went to see the Moderator of the United Church on Wednesday at Lakeview, Right Rev. Gary Paterson (http://www.garypaterson.ca/), and what an experience! He talked about the Comprehensive Review underway, and his hopefulness. I must say that this sojourn that Ross and I took to churches throughout the prairies, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, was hopeful—hopeful in its humour. There is always a danger in describing perhaps anyone or anything other than yourself; one will be open to scrutiny or the perpetual naysayer that claims a counter opinion. So, to be clear this is my perception only, but I was genuinely surprised at how universal Ross’s comedic musing were throughout the tour—from small, small town Saskatchewan, such as Eastend or Maple Creek to large urban centres, like Edmonton. I really was struck by the common response, given that some of Ross’s reflections, as he stated, are challenging. I wonder…is there a contemporary church humour? Is that a united/uniting quality?