Thomas…the Twin

I just finished reading Elaine Pagels’ (2003) “Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas” New York: Random House. I am struck by the amount of work available about early Christianity; of which Elaine Pagels seems to be on the cutting edge. What is interesting to me is that our story may have more nuances that I had ever imagined. Since I live in a specific era, a specific time; it is almost as if, I cannot imagine (I realize this sounds narrow) others from long ago asking probing and significant questions about notions of God—what are the implications of such questions, what are the differences in how the story may get told, and how might such differences manifest? Indeed, Thomas, if he were the author (or authors) of his named book, may be much more than simply given to doubt.  Although this gospel reads as a collection, almost without narrative, as a list of sayings attributed to Jesus, there are some that simply ring deeply for me without any elaboration from Pagels “Jesus said, ‘If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will] kill you.’ “ (Gospel of Thomas 70)—powerful. Perhaps, the most telling aspect of this gospel is not any particular piece scripture, but throughout its pointing to the inside instead of the outside….Pagels provides wonderful context and guidance on this journey. Surprising and inspiring…

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